Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why is Doubt a Remarkable Indicator You Have a Great Idea?

***The Never Give Up Series***

The Unknown May be Your Key
I used to love it when somebody thought my ideas were great or that my plan of action had all the right steps.  But then after many bland projects and ideas that never took flight, I realized that - in general - people don't readily accept the new or unknown.

Resemblance is Not the Key
The idea that resembled something that was already successful got the praise.  When something that is not understood because it is includes the unknown and high uncertainty - the first reaction by many is doubt.  Doubt that it will not succeed - not because it is not a brilliant idea - but because there is no comparison.

Listen to Your Inner Monolgue
You are the only one that has thought through your vision for days, months, or years and have had an inner monologue about the greatness of your idea far longer than you could ever have an external dialogue about.  Embrace the doubt.  Don't let fear stop you.  And, in fact, tell yourself that "if not enough people doubt you then you're not making a difference." 

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens

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