Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Do All That You Can, The Best That You Can

Can You Give a 110%?

If 110% Then Why Not 1100%?
When is comes to effort, there is only 100% of what you are capable of at that moment - or less.  If you do all that you can, the best that you can - you will be far ahead of the majority of people out there. 

You will have success and the incredible satisfaction that is brought about by knowing you - left it all on the field, the mat, the court, the shop floor, the boardroom, or wherever you have decided to make a difference.

Do all that you can, the best that you can.  That is all you can ask of a person.

So.....go out there and do your best.  You have nothing to lose but the world to gain.

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens

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