Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why This BLOG: In Brief

I believe that the key to success and happiness is a positive attitude. 
- manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing

And I believe that to the core of my existence.  Correspondingly, there is no upside to negativity.  But, one thing I certainly understand is that it is easy to have a bad attitude or to just be negative.  I have spent much of my life in the unproductive state of negativity.  Plausibly, it seems like the easier road to travel upon, but I am here to propose that it is not.

What is often misunderstood, or at least over looked, is the part of the definition above, which states, “with regard to.”  An attitude is towards something or someone.  We just don’t have a bad attitude; it is always directed towards (or emanates from) something, which may be something lying in our unconscious mind.

So, what I suggest is that we all will do ourselves a great service if, when we are trying to improve our attitude, we focus the positivity towards something or someone.  And, to me, that can even just be towards our outlook on our immediate or distant future.

Thereby, in this BLOG, my intent is to make postings of quotations, articles, or whatever I find to stay positive.  And to truly use these affectively, we must alter our manner, disposition, or position with regard to a person or thing, to make the effort successful. 

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens


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