Sunday, December 30, 2012

Have Something Good to Say

Do You Waste Your Greetings and Departures?

Is There a Second Chance to Make a First Impression?
It is said that you never have a second chance to make a first impression.  But it is also said you never should say never.  That is especially true in this case, because every time you leave the company of a person and return, you must reestablish or reinforce you initial impression - and hopefully improve upon it.  And, if it is the first time you are meeting the person - or group - you have a chance to make a positive impact - or the aptly named - first impression.

Last Impressions First
Correspondingly, it should also be said that you never have a second chance to make a last impression.  What does the person you were just with, walked by (i.e., receptionist), or left the company of in some other fashion, remember?  Do they even remember you?  More importantly - how did you make them feel?  Anything at all?

Always Have Something Good to Say - At the Beginning and at the End
Deflating the Greeting: So many people waste their greeting with some vacuous statement like: “Hi.” How are you?”  “What’s up?”

Omitting the Exodus: Similarly, many people also make an even bigger mistake by wasting their departure statement with an emotionless exodus like: “Have a good one.”  “Take it easy.”  “Bye.”  “Seeya.”            

These are the types of moments where you have the opportunity to alter your perception in the eyes of others by having something good to say.  Leave a positively charged emotional trail wherever you go, that has your name on it.    

That's All Good But Say What?
People will not always remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.  Therefore, the next time you greet someone say something good like: “It’s great to see you again.”  “I was hoping to see you today.”  “I’ve missed seeing you.”  And, of course, beginning with a genuine compliment is a great idea.  A generic one that works well is: “You’re looking healthy.”  Plus, you can always say: “You’re looking amazing.”  “This place is really looking great.”  “I understand you daughter is making a big impact in her new job.”

You will clearly have a better understanding of the circumstances, situation, and the framing of the interaction and will come up with the some far more creative and relevant statements than my examples.   
It takes no more time than you spend now, just a little more thought up front, and costs nothing, but it will have a huge interpersonal impact.  You will be better liked, make more friends, and develop more influence.  Why would you not always have something good to say?

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens

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