Saturday, December 8, 2012

Say it Aloud - and Don’t You Dare Use Future Tense


Write it, Say it, Display it
I am a big believer in physically writing down your goals and putting them on your bedroom mirror or somewhere even more prone to be seen (like on Facebook), waking up and saying self-affirmations aloud, and telling anyone who will listen what you plan to do, become, or accomplish.  There is a significant stimulus seeing it in writing (especially in your own handwriting), hearing it in your own voice, and knowing others already have expectations from you in their minds. 

Take the Future out of Self-Affirmations
Specifically in regards to self-affirmations, the one thing that I think people, who actually do this, do that is counterproductive is to use future tense.  “Today will be a great day.”  “I will be successful.”  “Someday, I will have a great memory.”  While that is a fantastic start, and I applaud you for taking that first step, a much more beneficial method is to state it to yourself as a current fact.  When is “will be” going to happen and “someday” may never occur.

“Today is a great day!”  “I am successful!”  “I have a great memory!”  Even if you have not convinced yourself yet, fake it until you make it, as I like to say.

Maximus of this Postimus
The maxim of this post is, you are likely already better at what you want to be than you think, at least in brief glimpses.  Why not tell yourself - and tell yourself often?  The last person you want to let down is you.  And these glimpses of the best you will become the you of everyday.

You are an optimistic person and you have a positive attitude.  I am certain of this.

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens

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