Sunday, December 9, 2012

Make the Day Your Way, and it's Guaranteed to be Fantastic


When I am greeted or asked how I am doing, I always respond with something along the lines of “fantastic,” “amazing,” or “insanely great.” I say it with a smile and as enthusiastic as I can, regardless of how I may actually feel at that particular moment.  I force myself into feeling amazing and my positivity becomes contagious and this all builds upon itself. 

A smile creates a smile that creates another smile and so on, and pretty soon, everyone is feeling pretty awesome.  I have one person that always expects me to say fantastic and if I say wonderful or great, I get called out and have to say fantastic.  And our spirits always soar during this little game. 

It's your and my choice to determine how we feel and what our attitude is like and should never be dictated by those around us or by whom we encounter.  If someone states surprisingly, "You're awfully cheerful,"I tell them that, “I make the day my way, so it is always fantastic.”  And it is.

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens

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