Friday, December 7, 2012

To be Better or to be Unique: That is the Question.

When I decided to create this BLOG, I thought "what a great idea, a BLOG on positive attitude and how that affects drive and motivation - as well as everything else," but there is a lot one can find on this topic and a lot of sites and BLOGS about these topics. 

So, to get an audience for this BLOG, I must find my sustainable competitive advantage.  That can be done in two ways, either (1) by doing what everyone else does, but doing it better, or (2) by doing things differently than everyone else, in a way that delivers a unique type of value. 

Well, I think I will try both options.  I will first try to utilize the best content I can find to make this BLOG interesting and motivational, in a way better than others.  Sometimes we need just a quotation or cartoon to get us into the positive psyche, and at other time we may need or want more.

I never really like to make a universal statement, based on my personal experience or opinion, as I am generalizing from what I have experienced, learned, read, observed, and felt.  I see this in my passion of fitness a lot.  For example, a football player, bodybuilder, runner, fighter, or cross-fit person will make recommendations based on their own thought process and not after a set of questions to the other person on what they want or need. 

So, originally, I had decided not to put too much of myself into this BLOG, but to be an impartial conveyor of content.  However, then how would this BLOG be unique?  You're right, it wouldn't.  And, since I have - over my life - had a lot of interesting experiences, I am highly educated, I am well read, I have watched a lot of people, and I have felt a lot of emotions - all making me extraordinarily success, as well oftentimes a dreadful failure, I will throw a lot of me and what I feel into this BLOG - hopefully delivering that unique type of value.

So, here is a quick motivational boost, to keep that tank full!

Just think to yourself that, "I will IBA my way to success!"

Enthusiastically scribbled by, 
Jason Riemens


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